Kickboxing and MMA stances in the Tri-style Syllabus
Stance Pictured above Honza in the Black shorts lands a inside leg kick sat back in his stance nicely. The Basics Hips at 45 degrees towards your opponent Feet in line with your knees “Weaker” side forward (if your right handed left etc) Feet shoulder width apart Knees nice and soft Sit into your stance Weight 60% on the back leg Left Stance/orthodox right stance/Southpaw side view of left stance Bit more depth The stance is simultaneously one of the easiest things, but also the hardest to keep correct. Under pressure if your stance goes you can expose your lead leg to be kicked, your head may come forward and get kicked, you can fall over your own feet which I have seen more than once. Like with most things it’s a case of drilling the exercises and sparing until its part of your Motor memory and instinctive. In Tri-Style like Mauy Thai and K1 the stance is quite square on to your opponent, we want to m...